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Case - Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: One Compounding Pharmacy's Recipe for Steroids

The Summary Report should be structured as follows:

I. Case Overview

20 percent of the report must be dedicated to describing the case, key actors, and overall set of issues involved.

II. Functional Area Impact

65 percent dedicated to exploring 3 out of 5 functional areas. To better understand the dynamics of the case, each student may need to conduct outside research in order to provide elaboration on how unethical or ethical conduct impacts 3 out of 5 functional areas of the company/agency involved.

These areas are: marketing, management, management information systems (MIS), accounting, and finance. The student has the option to select any 3 areas. (See the functional areas below.)

III. Future Business Strategy

15 percent dedicated to how such unethical or ethical conduct can influence the success of the company's future business strategy.

Here are some issues to consider among each functional area:


- Has the company avoided major misconduct such as bribery, sales and advertising deception, conflicts of interest, misrepresentations of products, lying to consumers, pricing deception, etc.?
- Has the company developed customer trust based on high integrity relationships and a stakeholder orientation?


- Does the company have a strong and effective manager or leader who is responsible for ethical guidance?
- Does the company mentor & guide new employees to navigate the risks in the industry?


- Does the company provide accurate information regarding its expenses, revenues, or other business funds?
- Does the company ensure the prevention of fraudulent accounting by developing regulations and remedies for improved ethics among the accounting department?


- Does the company ensure that reliable financial information is presented to stock analysts?
- How does the company ensure they are achieving projected financial goals?

Summary Reports should be 6 pages, double-spaced, contain 1-inch margins, and 12-point font. Must also have a 10 minute presentation also.

Attachment:- Case double-double.rar

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92036185

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