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Carefully read the scenario before writing your positive news message and submitting it via Canvas. Also, make sure to review the rubric so you know how this assignment will be graded.

Scenario: Direct Request: Company Luncheon

As an event planner for your company, you are charged with obtaining bids for a luncheon. Yesterday, your planning committee finalized the following event details and needs:

• Date: November 15
• Number of people expected to attend: 200
• Time: 12-2 pm
• Meal Budget: $30 per person
• Needs: audio system, seating for 200, and menu options including vegetarian

Your task: Write a direct request email to Rhonda Heffer, the Event Coordinator at the Hyatt. You should request a bid (price) for the use of a Hyatt event space that meets the requirements specified above. Remember to provide enough information in your request for Ms. Heffer to respond with an accurate price or estimate.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372801
  • Price:- $18

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