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Career Assessment

Self-assessment is the first step in the career planning process. Career assessments are designed to help you determine the most appropriate career choice and to help you plan your future. These assessments can provide insights regarding your personality, values, interests, and skills and the role they play in your career development and management.

The Internet is increasingly used as a source of self-assessment, career development, and career management. Review the online career assessment tools Select and complete three of these assessments.

Prepare a discussion posting addressing the following items. Your responses should go beyond mere surface interpretations to provide depth of self-exploration and self-discovery.

o What do the results reveal about your values, interests, skills, goals, interaction style, etc.?

o How will this information be useful for your career development and management?

Write your responses in about 300 words.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92413418
  • Price:- $25

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