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Can you help me with the following:

Discuss the impact of globalization on your community. Your community may be a small town or a large city, or a county if you live in a rural area. Components to consider for coverage of your topic include:

  • population/demographic trends
  • immigration history
  • growth in minority and foreign owned companies
  • foreign investment
  • import and export data
  • job losses from companies or manufacturing moving overseas
  • changes to the local culture (ethnic restaurants and groceries, school district impact such as growth in ESL services, new religious institutions, etc.)

Evaluation Criteria

Your paper should be 6 in length (not including title page or bibliography) that explores the impact of globalization in your community. This paper will comply with the style manual for Chicago, MLA or APA. This is a research-based paper that must include citations to sources and a complete bibliography.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385258
  • Price:- $10

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