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Business requires people. People are fallible. Fallibility leads to mistakes and misjudgment. Poor judgment can take the form of poor ethical behavior. Practically every day, the news seems to show the ramifications of bad ethics. Financial crises are often preceded by poor ethical behavior on the part of managers, accountants, or lawyers. The disregard of safety standards has played a large role in coal mining and oil drilling disasters. What effect can good service management practices have on mitigating bad ethical behavior?

Describe a recent instance (within the last three years) of questionable ethics by an individual or corporation. Based on what you have learned in this course, what areas of service management would have precluded the unethical behavior of the individual or corporation or allowed the unethical behavior to have been detected and rectified. Explain. Give specific examples of how the services could have been delivered that would have prevented or otherwise mitigated the unethical behavior.

Be sure to defend and support your opinion and remember to properly cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92427348
  • Price:- $10

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