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BSG Company Presentation

You will collaborate with your team members to create a PowerPoint slideshow about your BSG company and then present it to the class.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include, but is not limited to, the following topics and slides:

  • A slide that shows what performance targets for EPS, ROE, credit rating, and image rating you and your co-managers would set for each of the next two years (assuming the simulation were to continue). You may also want to indicate a stock price target as well.
  • A slide that sets forth your company's competitive strategy for the internet market in some detail and how that strategy has evolved over the years you have managed the company. You may need to have more than one slide here if your company's strategy for the internet market varies markedly from geographic region to geographic region. (2 pts.)
  • A slide that sets forth your company's competitive strategy for the wholesale market in some detail and how that strategy has evolved over the years. Again, more than one slide may be needed if your company's strategy for the wholesale market varies markedly from one geographic region to another, such that your company is pursuing a meaningfully different competitive strategy in some regions versus others.
  • A slide that sets forth your company's competitive strategy for the private-label market in some detail and how that strategy has evolved over the years you have managed the company.

A slide describing your company's production strategy (as concerns plant capacity and location, use of overtime, and work force compensation/training strategy).

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92384780
  • Price:- $10

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