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Book: The Versatile Leader by Bob Kaplan and Rob Kaiser

Need two paragraphs. Need the following questions answered. Screen shot is attached on summary of the book. There are three parts.

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Course Outcomes: This course is designed to provide new ways of thinking about leadership philosophies and strategies to influence the behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. Students begin with an exploration of the nature of effective leadership and leadership theories. Understanding power, creating change, developing teams, and guiding group decisions are examined in the context of the roles of a leader. Students learn how to recognize leadership traits and approaches so they can develop their own leadership style. Case studies involving real-world situations that confront leaders are used so that students can formulate strategies to improve the performance of followers through effective leadership.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Analyze and explain your role as a leader in improving organizational effectiveness.

2. Describe and develop human resource interventions that contribute to organizational competitiveness.

3. Formulate and assess the effectiveness of strategies and techniques leaders use to lead and manage change.

4. Create and recommend a change management process that engages and motivates employees and fosters creativity and innovation.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92392659
  • Price:- $20

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