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Black Lives Matter

Process Post: Symposium Images

Cut and paste 5 images that you hope to use in your Symposium. (Your Symposium will have at least 15 images total. This is to get you started.) They can be images you found on line, images or graphics you created yourself, or images you found online and altered. (If you are going to alter an image, make sure you use something through Creative Commons that does not have the "No Derivatives" license.)

1. For each image, include an MLA citation.

2. Give each image a title that reflects the main idea you are developing in that slide.

As you look for images, think about what rhetorical strategies you want to employ and what words you might you pair with each image.

Are you looking for an image that:

? supports the script in a very obvious or literal way?
? requires the audience to think about the connection between the script and the image?
? adds irony or humor?
? uses pathos or logos to engage the audience?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92380401
  • Price:- $20

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