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Biomechanics Paper Assignment

Topic: In general, the topic is up to the student; the paper should be a quantitative analysis of a sport skill (or sport related skill) or the biomechanical quantitative analysis of a sports implement. The topic must be related to the nature of the class if you have a question concerning your topics relevance please see the instructor. Topics could include: but are not limited to: biomechanical analysis of a discus toss; the arm stroke of the front crawl; hurdling form; back-handspring on a beam, mechanics of the overhand throw; and, lumbar biomechanics of a full squat.

Length: 5-8 pages (text); this does not include title page, abstract page, tables, graphs, or reference section. In reality this is a short paper. Be specific in your topic.

Style: APA (American Psychological Association) Style strictly enforced. Note if your area of study uses another style you may use that style after clearing it with the instructor. APA manuals are in the library and there is a link on the class page.

Items to be included are:

Title page, Abstract, Main body, References, Tables and Figures. Note, embody the tables and figures in the body of the text. Papers are to be submitted electronically formatted as a Microsoft Word document.

1. Title Page Elements

• Header (running head & page number; on all pages; see example)
• Title (centered; DS); Full name; Affiliation (class-section)
• Running header(top left)

2. Abstract Elements (title centered)

• 75 to 100 words for the abstract of a review ortheoretical paper.
• 100 to 150 words for an empirical study. (Collection of various studies on the same subject)
• Brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article
• A good abstract is; accurate, self-contained, concise andspecific, non-evaluative, coherent and readable.
• the topic, in one sentence (if possible)the purpose, thesis, or organizing construct and the scope(comprehensive or selective) of the article.
• The sources used (e.g., personal observation, publishedliterature); the conclusions and implications or applications.

3. Review of Literature

• Introduce the topic. The body of a paper opens with an introductionthat presents the specific problem under study and describes theresearch strategy; develop the background.

• State the purpose and rationale.

4. Methods

• Identify subsections that may help to clarify your paper(e.g., subjects, apparatus, procedure, what is being measured, observed and how, etc.).

5. Results

• Summarize data collection and statistical treatments.
• Briefly state the main results.

6. Discussion

• Evaluate and interpret the results and their implications.
• Emphasize any theoretical consequences of the results and thevalidity of your conclusions.
• Discuss relevant applications/implications.

7. References

• All citations in the manuscript must appear in the reference list.
• All references must be cited in the text.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92390823
  • Price:- $70

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