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Assume you are a consultant who has been called in to present a client with a sample of best practices as they relate to the types of compensation and benefits services that you can assist the client with.

1. Obtain relevant sample(s) of compensation and benefits policies/practices that you would consider illustrative of "best practices"forthe assigned topic fromthe eight categories of the sample toolkit using the list provided (below).You must provide at least one example, but no more than two.

2. Complete the assigned blog post for each category in which you will provide a title, brief description, and a brief commentary on why you would consider these samples illustrative of a "best practice."

3. Each week after you complete steps 1 and 2, you will post your sample(s) to the Total Rewards Sample Toolkit. This will create a substantial collection of samples that you can make use of.

What is do due tomorrow is: Time Off Policies (Paid and Unpaid)

Includes all time away from work, paid and unpaid, such as vacation, holidays, sick and personal time, jury duty, bereavement, voting, FMLA, maternity/paternity leaves, military leave, sabbaticals, etc.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M91421894
  • Price:- $45

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