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Write an essay in which you, as a person who has experienced both your own and American culture, critically evaluate the extent to which O'Connor's and Rice-Oxley's impression about the pervasive American influence on world culture holds true in your country. (The two authors say that the whole world has been influenced by American culture. Is it true in your country? Why?) Then, discuss the impact of such Americanization in your country. (As a result of consuming American cultural products, do people in your country experience some positive and/or negative effects? What are they?)

If you left your country long ago, try to recall your impression on your latest visit home.

If you haven't visited your country recently, interview those who have.

In order to accomplish this task, you need to decide on a few specific aspects of American culture because it is not possible to discuss many aspects effectively and persuasively in the limited space of this essay. You could focus on food (e.g., McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, TGIF, Starbucks), or on commercial products (e.g., clothes, shoes, bags, phones, computers), or on entertainment (e.g., movies, TV shows, music, video games), or on how American English has been imported into your language(s).

You should cite at least six sources (four sources from the textbook and two from outside sources-international sources are accepted).

Write about China.

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  • Reference No.:- M92390682
  • Price:- $60

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