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When watching movies, viewer emotions, feelings, and thinking are guided by very conscious choices in the soundtrack. Whether the music is simply instrumental or

When watching movies, viewer emotions, feelings, and thinking are guided by very conscious choices in the soundtrack. Whether the music is simply instrumental or includes vocals, the music or soundtrack guides how viewers are to be feeling or thinking.

Consider the following scene from the movie, Inception (NOTE: It does not matter if you have seen the movie or not, that has no bearing upon this exercise):

SCREEN IT WITH THE SOUND OFF! (I'm not yelling, but this important).

How are you, as the movie viewer meant to feel or think about what is transpiring on the screen without that soundtrack?

Now, as the second part of the assignment, watch the scene with the sound ON. Are your feelings and how are supposed to think about what you are seeing easier? Why is that, you think?

Ultimately, is viewer thinking/feeling so dependent upon movie soundtracks that without them viewers would be left a little lost?

Ideas? Thoughts?

Discussion 2 150 words

The Technology of Film

Watch "The Technology of Film," located on this week's Electronic Reserve Readings page.

Discuss the following with your peers:

• Using a film of your choice, discuss the various sound components. Be sure to include music, dialogue, and sound effects.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92381758

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