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Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

• View the tutorial titled "Library Resources for Doctoral Learners."

• Each week, two initial posts and three ongoing contributions are required for a minimum of five separate posts on three separate days of the module.

Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:

1. Identify the discussion questions/prompts in the Main Forum for the module.

2. Identify the concepts, principles, theories, and other information in the course readings, lectures, and other resources that relate to the discussion questions/prompts.

3. Locate at least one scholarly research source which supports your initial response to each question/prompt. The reference may come from the module readings.

4. Write an initial substantive response of 150-250 words in length. Begin your response with a restatement of the question/prompt, and include in-text citation(s) and a reference for each scholarly source used according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. The restatement of the question/prompt, the references, and the citations are not included in your response word count.

5. Post your substantive initial response to the Main Forum for the module. Your initial response to question/prompt 1 must be posted by day 3 of the module. Your initial response to question/prompt 2 must be posted by day 5 of the module.

6. Contribute to discussion by posting at least one substantive response to another learner's post on 3 days of the module. Respond in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion.


What is the most important skill for success in your doctoral pursuit? Why? (Research is not required to support your conclusions.)

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92360806
  • Price:- $30

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