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Throughout the course, you will be working to create your own website. As you know, websites can be used for many different purposes and can attract a variety of audiences. You will be designing different elements for this project in each unit with a final submission in Unit VIII.

To begin, you are asked to complete the following steps:

1. Identify the type of website you will be creating for the overall course project.

2. Your options consist of a personal, organizational/topical, or commercial website. Upon your selection, write at least one paragraph on why you have made this choice. Options include, but are not limited to, overall purpose, targeted audience, and current work-related or future job endeavors.

3. Select a name for your website, and list at least three goals for it. Identify which specific visuals (e.g., images, graphs, photos) you will use to support your goals.

4. Create a domain name for your website. Use a domain registry search engine to research whether the domain is available. If the domain name is not available, adjust the domain name to find one that is available.

Explain the tools you would incorporate within your website, including, but not limited to, interactivity, balance, proximity, contrast, focus, visuals, color, images, legal, privacy, accessibility, and usability.

In a paper of at least three pages in length, discuss your answers and upload the document for grading. Use illustrations as necessary to support your ideas.

Create a personal or organizational website; one of these two would be my choice.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92368814

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