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There are several controversial topics discussed in the course texts that are currently the cause of ethical concern and are projected to have a great impact on the future of health care. The topics include but are not limited to Cloning, Abortion, Reproduction, Physician Assisted Death, Long Term Care, Competency, Rationing, Domestic Violence, Inequalities and Inequities, Disaster and Planning Response. As an aspiring Health care professional you will be exploring the issues surrounding these topics and the effects on health care reform.

In your Power point you must:

• Select a topic to explore

• Provide background on the topic and explain why this is currently a controversial issue in healthcare (views and rationales from a broad perspective - for, against and possibly undecided).

• State your current position on this topic as an educated member of the moral community (include your personal belief as supported by your culture, religion, life experience etc.).

• Analyze the projections for evolution in the future and why this topic will remain a source of concern (consider advancements in research and technology).

• Discuss how this would impact you as a Health care provider?

• Professional Development and in-service for current Health care providers.

• Possible training for future Health care personnel.

• Propose changes in Hospital Ethics Committee (HEC) roles and responsibilities

• Describe the most important Ethical theories and principles that must be at the fore front of medical practice / decision making and why. (Based on your opinion)

• Explain current policy related to this issue and recommend changes if necessary.

• Considerations for insurance and Health care reform

In this Power point you will address all of the aforementioned bullets. This Power point must exhibit correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format. You are not required to present in class however you will be given the opportunity to share your work to add to the body of knowledge attained by your colleagues.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374172
  • Price:- $40

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