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There are many reasons why a bill is introduced into legislation, helping a select group of people to make sure that everyone in the country is being protected. It is important as a healthcare provider to understand, how different bills effect the healthcare profession.

Select a current health care bill that addresses one or more of the components of healthcare. You will use three to five academic sources to write this paper.

Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper about how the bill affects health care services in the community in which you live. Include the following:

1. Summarize the components of the health care bill.

2. Describe the health care components that are addressed in this bill.

3. Who sponsored this bill? Who are the proponents of the bill and who opposes this legislation? What is their position (i.e., why do they disagree?).

4. Does this bill helps or hinders health care services in the community. Describe how it may affect allied health professionals.

5. Does this bill affect the health care and allied health care professionals?

Review the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style guidelines and resources located in the Student Success Center. APA format is required for most assignments, so students should become familiar with these resources to facilitate the successful completion of course assignments.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92380759

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