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The questions are designed to probe the higher levels of thinking and learning such as analyzing, evaluating, and creating, and so there often are no correct answers. Instead of focusing and who wins or loses the case, you should analyze, evaluate and create alternative solutions to the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics and ethics.

Terminal Course Objective: D

Video Case Study: Equal Opportunity in Employment-Isiah Thomas

Watch the video case study and then write a one- to two-page reflective paper (double spaced) on the following questions while discussing the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.

1. Discuss whether there should be a different standard of behavior in the workplace compared to personal relationships.

2. According to the video, Isiah Thomas put his arm around the victim, tried to kiss her on the cheek, called her sexually charged names, and made her feel uncomfortable on the job. Discuss how a court should determine what constitutes sexual harassment and what does not. Should culture play any part in that determination?

3. As part of this case, Madison Square Garden had to pay the victim because of retaliation - she was fired for reporting the sexual harassment. In this case, the jury determined sexual harassment occurred, that she complained to the appropriate parties, and was fired for that. Given the dollar amounts discussed in the video, discuss the risk that false sexual harassment claims might be filed and what might be done to prevent that.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92044839

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