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Question 1

Research Ethics Challenges: Students will locate, assess and respond to a current/most recent ethical challenges in the immediate, current business environment. Assessments should include the origins and root causes of the ethical issue, how the issue could have been avoided or how it could be ameliorated. Students will upload a white paper file, minimum of two pages.

Question 2. Students will go to Google scholor and find a most recent journal article critiques* on Leadership and its impact on Organizational performance in a diverse culture within Apple, using the article evaluation rubic form below These critiques are intended to be cumulative in your understanding of the material and it is expected that as we progress through the material the evaluation will become more complete. A link to the article must be provided for instructor to read. APA fromat is required must not be less than two full page. NB. Teacher dont want direct quote use from article teacher wants what every quote use must be in own words and sited appropriately in APA format.

All answeres must be presented in the below Reaserch article critique template. Except question 3 below.

3. Write a one full page paper for Discussion on John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Winston Churchill and Indira Gandhi (Political Leaders) Post to Discussion Board






Theme/Title of your research proposal

[ Place the overall theme/research question of your research here]


[Author, date, peer-reviewed journal article title, publication title]


Look for the what, where, who, when, how and particularly the why of the article.

What were the strong points of the Journal Article? Timely, relevant, important, applicable?

Make sure to include the type of methodology used. Did the author's conclusions appear to be supported by the data? Recommendations for future research? Weaknesses in data collection or analysis? Was method chosen appropriate? What would you have done differently?

Answer the "So what?" question.


Make sure to cite using APA style!

Assignment Cover Sheet


ADM-545 Values & Ethics in Administration

Title of Assignment


Submitted by:


Date of Submission:



By including this cover sheet I certify that I am the author of this submittal and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course only and was not previously submitted in any other course. I have read the PACE Academic Dishonesty Policy regarding cheating and plagiarism and understand its consequences and penalties.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92506227

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