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Prepare an 12-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment. Use at least 10 scholarly sources that are suitable for research.

The paper must include the following:

1.A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue.

2.The business situation must be from prior, current, or anticipated future employment experiences or from a current event.

3.The description of the business situation must not exceed two pages.

4.An analysis of the ethical concerns raised by the situation.

5.Apply at least two different ethical theories to the situation to support at least two different outcomes.

6.The paper must determine which ethical outlook as applied to this particular situation will result in the best legal outcome for the business.

7.An explanation of at least three of the relevant areas of law that have been addressed in this course (e.g., constitutional law, contracts, anti-trust law, securities regulations, employment law, environmental law, crimes, or torts) and an assessment of the each area of law as it applies to the business situation identified.

8.A recommendation to reduce liability exposure and improve the ethical climate or the overall ethics of the situation. Your recommendation must be supported by specific legal, ethical, and business principles.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92180886
  • Price:- $100

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