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Part I

Relate the various types of chapter 9 lamps used in security lighting. Importantly, explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. Clear organization is important. Use bold "and" headings (lamp, advantage, and disadvantage). Ensure you thoroughly discuss advantages and disadvantages for each lamp.

Part II

"Identify" the "three" chapter 10 IDS/sensor usage categories. Specifically, relate the various sensing devices that can be used in the detection of intruders in each of the three areas. Ensure your response is divided into three separate sections that discuss each category. Clear organization is important. Use bold "and" headings.

Text Book: Effective Physical Security, Fourth Edition 4th Edition by Lawrence Fennelly (Author).


Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92389520

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