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NOTE: I have posted an article in this week's coursework folder about Counseling LGBT clients...

This is taken from Remley and Herlihy (3rd ed.), Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling; (2010); Pearson, p. 67. Read through the case example and then respond to the questions below in no more than 1 to 2 double spaced typed pages of text. Be specific in your responses!

"The Case of Horst

Arthur is a 32 year old African american man who is employed as a nursing instructor at a community college and is married with two children. He seeks counseling from Horst after he becomes involved in an intimate relationship with Mark, an openly gay man. Mark also works at the community college, and their coworkers have gossiped among themselves about their relationship although no one has said anything directly to either of them. Arthur believes he has come to the point in his life when heterosexual marriage is no longer viable for him. He presents with several issues, including coming out to his wife and children and redefining himself as a gay man. He believes his wife suspects the truth and will come to accept who he is, but he fears losing the close realtionship he has enjoyed with his children.

1. What are the issues Horst must address in providing counseling to Arthur?
2. What information will Horst need in order to be a culturally competent counselor in this situation?
3. What skills will Horst need to be a culturally competent counselor in this situation?

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  • Reference No.:- M92370385
  • Price:- $30

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