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Locate a standardized measurement instrument used in your specialization or area of interest, and then complete a critique. There are two ways to locate a measurement instrument with published psychometrics: 1) identify a measurement instrument used in a peer-reviewed study you have read, and then use the reference list to find its origin, and 2) use the NCU library to search for a measurement instrument.

Use this website link for assistance with the NCU library:

The standardized measurement instrument used in the critique must be located from a scholarly source containing validity and reliability information. Copy the Measurement Instrument Critique Template below into a Word document, and then complete each section:

Measurement Instrument Critique Template

Reference Information

1. Title of the instrument (including edition and form, if applicable):

2. Author(s):

3. Publisher and date(s) of publication:


1. Construct(s), domain(s), or variable(s) the instrument measures:

2. Unidimensionality or multidimensionality of construct(s), domains(s), or variables(s):

3. Theoretical and/or empirical foundations of the instrument:


1. Purpose and potential uses of the instrument:

2. Whom the instrument is designed:

3. Structure of the instrument:

4. Length of the instrument, including number of items:

5. Subscales within the instrument (if applicable):

6. Format of the instrument:


1. Instrument administration procedures:

2. Necessary administrator qualifications and/or training:

3. Scoring procedures of the instrument:

4. Type of scoring or scaling (availability of scoring keys and scoring services, subscale, factor, or dimension scores):


1. Evidence of reliability (include type(s) and statistic(s) as appropriate):

2. Adequacy of reliability evidence to support potential uses of the instrument:

3. Evidence of validity (include type(s) and subject area, construct, outcome as appropriate):

4. Adequacy of validity evidence to support potential uses of the instrument:

Multicultural Application

1. Analysis of the multicultural application of the instrument (addressing research on multicultural comparison, or limitations of generalizability based on a lack of multicultural data):

Summary Evaluation and Critique

1. Strengths and limitations of the instrument:

2. Critique of the use of the instrument in both an applied and research context:

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Article: School suspension and the school-to-prison pipeline by Alison Evans Cuellar and Sara Markowitz.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372536

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