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Chapter 12 - Diversity: Appreciating Differences Among Us

Questions About Homosexuality

Answer the following questions:

1. According to the APA, is sexual orientation a choice? Why/ why not?

2. Is homosexuality considered an emotional problem or a mental illness? Or neither?

3. How much do you know about AIDS? Using the AIDS Basics and Prevention website, take the online quiz. To find quiz: On the main page, Click on HIV Testing 101 in left hand menu under "The Basics". On that new page scroll down and on the right side under "HIV Tools you can use" click on the "Are you at Risk - Take the quiz". Then answer the following questions about your quiz.

* Did you get a score? What was your score? Were you surprised at your results? Why/ why not? Did you learn anything new that you can share? About you? About AIDS?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92375389
  • Price:- $45

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