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Instructions: Please respond to a least 2 other students. Response should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. When addressing the topic questions, you are to state the question followed by your response. Do this for each question posed. NOTE the increase.. This is done because of the subject involved. It requires more depth.

You made a comment that I want to follow up on. You wrote, " At this time, the population of the illegal immigrants had risen exponentially with California and San Diego accounting for more than half of the total number of immigrants illegally present in the country " Well, I have read the exact opposite from various news sources. Here is one that shows illegal immigration is down 70 percent. Where were you getting your information?

There have been TONS of perspectives on this especially now that the new administration's developing border strategies....

Angel Smoke,

it is funny to me how this problem has been around for decades, but it was not talked about and not much attention was paid to it. With that being said, illegals sneaking into the country today should be and needs to be addressed. I am not saying that we should close the borders completely, but I believe in coming to the United States the legal way.

United States citizens finally showed an interest in the issue, and politicians jump on it to drive an agenda. As with anything in politics, promises are made that rarely are being kept. What needs to be done to curb illegal immigration? I am not sure what can be done, but I do not believe to legitimize illegal here already is the right thing to do. It is not fair to the thousands upon thousands of people who are trying to enter the country legally. Your thoughts?

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  • Reference No.:- M92366029
  • Price:- $30

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