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In a 3-5 page paper (3-5 full pages of content)

1. Title Page in APA format with Header
2. Introductory paragraph.
3. Explain what federal legislative action means.

A. Name one federal legislative action created in response to the problems of domestic abuse

1) Explain the legislative action in detail
2) Explain its overall effects on the issues of domestic violence.
3) Provide two examples of federal legislative actions in response to DV

4. Explain what state legislative action means.

A. Name one state legislative action created in YOUR STATE in response to the problems of domestic abuse

1) Explain the legislative action in detail
2) Explain its overall effects on the issues of domestic violence.
3) Provide two examples of state legislative actions in response to DV

5. Conclusion paragraph

6. References (minimum of 6).

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374167

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