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Identify your preparation process for succeeding at next week's final Assignment.

Please provide a short response to the following discussions:

I think one of the key steps in succeeding my business improvement process is to communicate the plan to leadership in my organization prior to implementing anything. The process I chose, I have actually tried to implement in my organization, but it was a complete failure. The process was initiated well, but it wasn't "what leadership wanted." The plan ultimately never happened because the officer that took charge of the process never completed the actual assignment because he was too busy or things kept coming up.

Also, another key factor is the follow up after the plan is implemented. I think if the business improvement that leadership agreed on is being implemented then they should have no problem backing it up. One issue is that guidance is always put out, but leadership never enforces it so people don't really take it seriously. The process improvement ultimately becomes a huge waste of time because the work put together is not even used. In the new improvement, the plan must be enforced as well as backed by leadership.

My preparation process for succeeding at next week's final assignment is listed below:

1. Get to know the job better - Which means including everyone else schedule and basic knowledge of their work in order to assist them.

2. Get in contact with other offices - Many other offices having the same job with a different process. Learn from other offices could be a good way to modify my own office.

3. Gather feedback from the customer - Analyze the feedback from the customer would greatly help to improve the process. Just have to understand that we can't have a process to satisfy everyone.

4. Get help with the leadership - Ask the leadership for ideas. Been in the military sometimes is not what the customer wants but how the leadership wants. Get leadership involved would greatly beneficiate during the implementation phase.

5. Think outside of the box - Think from the customer and leadership's perspective and learn why each one of them wants's the certearin thing done in a specific way. What are the pros and cons?

6. Get an exit plan - not all the process improvement would be successful even it's carefully reviewed and evaluated. Anything can be changed at any time. Therefore, having an exit plan or second plan is required.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92370012
  • Price:- $35

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