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Given the global reach of Hollywood, is it almost a... necessity for cultures like Nigeria to have their own movie making industry? An industry that will tell their stories, reflect their beliefs, their customs and traditions, and that will show a face like theirs as the hero?

I start this post with Hollywood's global reach because Hollywood movies are everywhere, as such, they inevitably influence the cultures around the world; be this influence small or big. With Hollywood being able to produce more movies per year than some countries can in a decade, its influence is pretty darn great. And in some cases, the cultures of foreign countries cannot cope with the Hollywood onslaught.

So, with that in mind, is something like Nollywood a way for Nigerians to push back against Hollywood's influence; a way for Nigerian to showcase its own culture and people? To tell its own stories instead of having stories from America squashing their stories and in some cases, becoming their stories?

Ideas? Thoughts? 150 words with reference

PART 2 150 words with reference

• Using a film of your choice, discuss Hollywood's role in shaping culture. Think about how the films we watch inform our understanding of values, morals, and beliefs.

• Do you think Hollywood shapes or reflects, or both, values? Use specifics within your answer.

Part 3 150 words

: A Vegetarian Diet

Discuss the following in your initial post:

1. What does a vegan eat?

2. Why do people choose to become vegetarian? What are the right or wrong reasons?

3. Is meat important in your culture? Why or why not?

4. Would you ever consider going vegetarian or vegan? If you already are a vegetarian, what made you choose this lifestyle?

5. How would your family react if you chose to eat vegetarian or vegan? If you are already a vegetarian, how did your family react to your choice?

6. What nutritional concerns would you have for a growing teenager if they choose a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle?

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372586

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