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Students will be writing a two-part paper on Porters Five Forces

Part A:

Topic of discussion is Porters Five Forces

Paper should include

background information (origination),

Application - when, where, and why would an executive use this analysis?

Advantages - what are the advantages this analysis offers and how should they be integrated into the organizations strategy?

What are the possible disadvantages of using this analysis?

Describe three strategies that may be impacted by the results of this analysis.

Estimated page length for Part A is 3-4 pages

Part B:

Students will "work out" a Porters Five Forces analysis on a leading battery company (e.g., Eveready, Duracell).

Within this section, student's must do the required work of the analysis and provide an in-depth explanation of each component.

Page length for Part B will vary depending on the size of any graphs, tables, and in-depth analysis.


All papers must use a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles. At least two of the three articles must be between 0 and 5 years old.

All papers must follow all APA requirements.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373401
  • Price:- $45

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