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Describing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for a specific company-Strength (Olsen, 2017)

KCARDIOLOGY has internal factors that allow them to take advantage and be competitive. The strengths of the practice is based on :

- Many greats cardiologists working for them.

- The clinic has a lot new machines .

- Diversity between employees .


areas in which the practice need to improve its processes, products and services. For example, if

- Far from the populated area of the state.

- Doesn't have a lot of cardiologists

- Located in unsafe part of the city.


External factors which the organization has no control of .These factors are an opportunity for the organization to expand or grow.

-Partnership with a great healthcare organizations

-Development of new way practice

-Increased of finance for better healthcare practice


External factors that include a variety of factors, including political, economic, social and technological threats that could be identified through analysis.

- Criminality and insecurity in the neighborhood

Increased demand for expensive medical machines

High taxes.

All these categories were placed because we are talking about things that can be beneficial or bad for the practice. For the success of the Kcardiology they will need to follow this recommendations order to ensure the growth and success of the business it will need to stick to the plan as recommended.

The SWOT analysis relate to the assessment because it shows an organization with all it potentials


Olsen., E (2017). Internal &External Analysis.

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