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Create a business budget sheet using Microsoft Excel. In the budget sheet, do the following:

• Create a label called "Income" and add your monthly business income in the next cell: $25,000.
• Add a label called "Rent" and enter the amount in the next cell: -$4,000.
• Add a label called "Utilities" and add the amount in the next cell: -$2,000.
• Add a label called "Insurance" and add the amount in the next cell: -$500.
• Add a label called "Product Development" and add the amount in the next cell: -$6,000.
• Add a label called "Advertising" and add the amount in the next cell: -$2,000.
• Add a label called "Customer Support" and add the amount in the next cell -$3,000
• Use the SUM function to calculate the total for all the cells.
• Use the Freeze option to freeze the top panes.

Create a pie chart for your business income and spending.

Research a current article on the use of wireless technologies in the workplace.

Write a 700-word summary of your selected article on wireless technology. Be sure to also address the following:

• How has wireless technology changed your quality of life or your work environment?
• How are wireless technologies used by organizations to form a communication channel with clients?
• Summarize the advantages and disadvantages, limitations and risks for the wireless technologies described in the article.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92182151
  • Price:- $40

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