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Assume that a fatality occurred at your facility one month prior to the OSHA inspection. Review the citations and penalties that were assessed to your facility, and respond to the following questions:

- Which of the citations could be referred to the U.S. DOJ for criminal proceedings?
- What conditions would have to be met before the citations could be referred for criminal proceedings?
- Which individuals working at your facility could face criminal charges under the Act?
- What would be the maximum prison sentence and fines that any individual would face?
- What would be the maximum fine that the company would face?
- If you were facing criminal charges under the Act, what would be your best defense?
- How could you involve the OSHRC in the criminal case(s)?

Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92182510
  • Price:- $45

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