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According to Nielsen, the 2015 Super Bowl was the highest rated television program in history with 114.4 million viewers. This year's was the highest rated Super Bowl for Fox at 111.3 million viewers. Advertisements during the game cost advertisers $5 million for a 30 second commercial.

Please choose two advertisements from the 2017 Super Bowl that you thought were effective and two advertisements from the Super Bowl that you thought were ineffective and explain your reasons for each. Discuss the target market for the advertisement and whether it communicated well to them and whether you think sales for the advertised product increased due to the advertisement? Write in full sentences and in paragraph form. The expected paper length is 2 - 2 1/2 pages. Be sure to include references at the end of the paper and cite any source that you use word-for-word.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373367

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