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1: Briefly describe one of the tools or best practices of strategic planning or execution (implementation) (SWOT, Service-Value Chain, Appreciative Inquiry, etc.). Provide a URL/web link or reference for that tool or best practice that contains more information. The challenge will be to not repeat any of the tools or resources.

Demonstrate insightful thought and critical analysis about the approach. Propose an improvement.

2: Identify a disruptive innovation in healthcare (i.e. one that completely changed the market). Why was t revolutionary? How did it change healthcare? How can you be prepared for change?

NOTE: The concept of disruptive innovation can be confusing. It is not a better method to do something, but a new and different way that often causes the disappearance of what it replaces. Think of photography; the emergence of digital technology virtually destroyed the film industry (e.g., Kodak).

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  • Reference No.:- M92360739
  • Price:- $30

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