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ASSIGNMENT Write an essay that presents a problem, proposes a solution to that problem, and justifies the solution. You may write either a "practical proposal," which addresses a particular audience about a problem that the audience has the power to change, or a "policy proposal," which addresses a general audience on some public issue.

Whichever type of proposal you choose, your paper must cite at least eight credible sources, four of which must be from the FIU Library. You must use articles, videos, or books as sources. No webpages!!

May find you need new sources as you delve deeper into your essay. You must also use your primary research as a source. Be sure to use your filed research as a source. For example, you could use an interesting quote from your interview or a surprising statistic from your survey. Don't include your whole interview or survey. You use them the same way you would use any other source, a quote, paraphrase or summary to support what you are saying.

In arguing for your proposed solution, you'll need to present your position as a thesis and support that thesis using the tools of argument. You will also need to address relevant counterarguments. Doing so not only strengthens your own argument, but demonstrates that you are part of a truth-seeking debate community by recognizing the arguments of others.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383306
  • Price:- $10

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