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Assignment: Theological Inquiry

1. In the chapter written by Mother Teresa on love, in several places she contrasts love with something that is not love-although sometimes she will define love and its opposite is implied, or sometimes she will define what love is not, and the meaning of love is implied. In the chart below, identify three of these contrasts, including the page number.

Love is...

Love is not...







2. In today's reading on "The Nature and Mission of the Church" by Dennis Doyle, he describes different models, or symbols, of the church. Below define or describe each of these, in one or two sentences of your own words.











Text Book: Mother Teresa- A Simple Path Complied by Luicnda Vardey.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92386575
  • Price:- $25

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