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Assignment: The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders- Mental Health, and Substance Use Essay


There are three parts to this essay. The first part focuses on prevalence; the second part focuses on symptoms of substance use disorders; and the third part focuses on the two systems of care (mental health and substance abuse/dependence). The length of the entire essay should be 750-1,000 words.

Part 1: The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders:

The purpose of this part of the assignment is to identify the prevalence of co-occurring disorders. Read chapter 1, "Introduction," in the Treatment Improvement Protocol, No. 42 and chapter 1 of the text. Answer the following questions regarding prevalence of COD (co-occurring disorders).

1. What is at least one statistical piece of information that you do not find surprising? Explain why.

2. Conversely, what is at least one statistical piece of information that was interesting or surprising? Explain why.

Part 2: Clinical Symptoms of Substance Use Disorders

The purpose of this part of the assignment is to become familiar with the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders. Read pages 483-484 of the DSM-5. Answer the following question regarding substance use disorders.

1. What are the 11 criterion used for identifying and diagnosing a substance use disorder? Provide a brief description of each.

Part 3: The Differences and Similarities in the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Systems:

The purpose of this part of the assignment is to examine the differences and similarities between the mental health and substance use disorder systems. Read the "Substance Abuse Treatment System" and "Mental Health Service System" sections from TIP No. 42, chapter 3, "Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Systems: Philosophical and Treatment Approach Issues," in TIP 9, and chapter 7 of the text. Address the following:

1. Describe at least two differences and two similarities between the two systems.
2. Discuss the importance of using an integrated approach to treating a client with co-occurring disorders.

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Prepare this essay according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92385971
  • Price:- $30

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