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Assignment: System selection

You will conduct system selection, which requires completion of the following steps:

• Reviewing a Request for Proposal (RFP)-this invites selected vendors to submit a proposal to you that outlines details of their proposed information system or systems.

• Evaluation of the proposed system through on-site demonstration, site visits, reference checks, and making a decision.

• Contract negotiation.

Assume that your healthcare organization has conducted an RFI, or a fact finding part of the system implementation and helps to select the potential vendors. It has requested information from vendors about their products and services. With the information gathered, the organization has screened the potential vendors and issues the RFP (request for proposal).

Download this RFP for EHR Implementation: UA_RFP-EHR. This is an actual RFP. Review the document and answer the following:

• Does the RFP expressly state organization and user needs? If so, what are these? If not, why is the RFP failing to do so?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of this RFP?
• How would you change this document?

Complete the assignment in a 3-5-page Word document.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92393072
  • Price:- $55

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