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Assignment: Staffing Organization

Question 1

The job offer process is very critical when choosing the best candidate for the job. Some of the things that attract and entice candidates were mentioned in previous units. As with strategies for recruiting candidates, the company must also have strategies in place for making job offers. Identify and discuss, in detail, the factors that affect the content of job offers. What should occur if the company rejects a candidate? If the candidate rejects the company?

Question 2

Choosing the best candidate for an organization can require a great amount of time and effort for the human resources department. Often times, HR looks at both internal and external candidates. Discuss the firm's external and internal assessment goals. How does this impact the hiring decision?

Question 3

Several internal and external assessment methods were discussed within this unit. Identify and discuss three internal assessment methods that you feel are most effective and three that you feel are least effective. Identify and discuss three external assessment methods that you feel are most effective and three that you feel are least effective. Explain your reasoning.

Question 4

There are two ways of combining candidates' assessment scores so that they can be compared with one another. Discuss the multiple hurdles approach and the compensatory approach. Which approach to combining candidates' assessment scores would you favor for choosing candidates? Why? Be certain to discuss key components used within each process.

Question 5 DQ UNIT VII-200 WORDS

Who makes the final hiring decision? What legal issues should be considered? Should a candidate's perception of fairness be considered?

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