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The project should be between 1600 words. All sources need to be cited. Any citation style is accepted but you must remain consistent throughout the project.

The structure of the project is as follows:

Introduction (100-150 words)

· State the topic of the project. (POVERTY AMONG CHRISTIANS)

· Clearly present your argument.

Historical Context/Contemporary Overview (350-400 words)

· Provide an overview of the contemporary problem and some historical background

Cherish Character (250-300 words)

· Using the materials covered in this class, analyze the topic in light of "Who is God?" and "What is a human being?" What do the answers to these questions have to say about this issue?

Challenge Culture (250-300 words)

· Using the materials covered in this class (or related outside materials), analyze the topic in light of "What is Good, True and Beautiful?" What do the answers to these questions have to say about this issue?

Serve the World (250-300)

· Based on your analysis, how should a Christian respond to this issue? What are practical steps that could be taken by a Christian?

Conclusion (100-150 words)

· In a concluding paragraph, describe how your solution would lead to human flourishing, as defined by a Christian.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92575474
  • Price:- $40

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