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Assignment: Personal Brand Video

Step One:

Set up your Adobe Spark account and select the video story template that meets your personal brand objectives for this video. Before choosing your template, be sure to consider your primary objective for the video. Are you trying to increase brand awareness or are you offering your audience a service that helps them determine the differences between you and your competition? Are you trying to attract influencers or ambassadors? Are you seeking a specific type of person to add to your Mastermind Group? What stage of the customer buying journey is your intended viewer currently in and what call-to-action will you use to move them closer to working with you?

Step Two:

Develop a personal brand video that tells your personal brand's story. Use your branded bio and personal brand statement as a reference. Showcase your unique value proposition, brand position, industry, skills, values, vision, strengths, goals, and personal attributes. In essence, tell the story of your professional journey thus far and provide a glimpse into where you are headed in your career. The video must have a strategic call-to-action and portray one of the 31 types of content described in the infographic from the Resources section above. Concentrate on storytelling by including all of the core elements of a story: Character, Conflict, Plot, Message. The video needs to be short and concise; between 1-3 minutes long, and you must appear in the video. After all, this video is all about you as a professional. If you choose to narrate the video, then please be sure to include pictures of you so the viewer walks away with a visual of who you are and what you do.

Step Three:

To help your instructor better understand your intentions behind the personal brand video, write a Word document that contains all of the following elements:

• Name and Degree Program

• A detailed description of your target audience and a persona as described in Chapter 4 of Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher.

• Overall concept and purpose of your personal brand video. Include the type of content you chose to produce and how it matches your personal brand and speaks to your target audience.

• The call-to-action you used in your video and why you chose this call-to-action.

• What is your key performance indicator (KPI)? For instance, how many views will you earn in a set period of time? What is your content marketing strategy for obtaining those views? Be specific. Where and how will you share the video and with whom?

• Direct link to your Adobe Spark video.

• Screenshot of the video embedded in your digital portfolio.

When I was a kid I had a vision that I was going to make it in the music and business world, and it was all cut short when I was in an accident that almost took my hand. Now because of my disability is what causes me to strive and go harder in life.

Timmy Joseph has decided to go back to Everest University to complete his Bachelors' Degree in Music Entertainment. Where he will utilize his degree in his record company and artist management, he has been in the music business for 11 years where he has made an impact on several people in the music industry. He has grown over the years as a music executive and now has opened another successful business in transportation. Richardson has had several downfalls but has often picked himself up and pushed himself forward. He will graduate in the next year with his degree and is planning to go back to school to obtain his master's. Because he has experience so much success, he has also experience a lot of downfalls and his main goal is to accomplish all that he has set for himself and for his family. His famous words are "Never stand still always move forward" because you never know where your success is, always think of bigger and better ways to improve yourself to becoming more successful.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92413496
  • Price:- $40

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