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Assignment (one-pager) - Strategic Plan Review


• Identify any government strategic plan (posted online in the last four years) and review its discussion of information technology (or lack thereof).

• This review should one-page, double-spaced and should include a link to the selected strategic plan.

• Your discussion should include, when applicable, concepts discussed in the notes and articles from the course.

• Any interesting findings about the plan's discussion of IT should be included as well as your concluding suggestions for their next strategic plan.

• You can also use the strategic plan of a non-profit organization, or institution of higher learning.


1. Politics of E-Government: E-Government and the Political Control of Bureaucracy by Michael J. Ahn and Stuart Bretschneider.

2. An institutional analysis of an e-government system for anti-corruption: The case of OPEN by Seongcheol Kim, Hyun Jeong Kim and Heejin Lee.

Attachment:- Notes.pdf

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92367666
  • Price:- $55

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