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Assignment: New Global Challenges and Opportunities

As the United States completed the 20th century, it entered into a new global economic, social, and political phase after spending 40 years under the Cold War umbrella. This new phase created challenges and opportunities for Americans. In this last assignment, you will have the chance to explore some of these issues that Americans faced or continue to face in an ever-changing world dynamic.

Resource: Moving On the American People Since 1945 Material: Historical and Scholarly Sources and weekly readings and videos

Select five of the topics from the list below.

Include one primary and one secondary source, excluding your textbook.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay in which you consider why the topic should be included in your list, how this topic affects Americans and the wider global community, what remedies and policies have been implemented on this topic/issue, and viable solutions. Additionally, address the past and current U.S. policies on the five topics you select.

• Terrorism (Domestic and Foreign)
• U.S. Military Interventions (Balkans, Middle East, Somalia)
• The Housing Bubble
• Immigration
• Technology
• Multicultural Society (Racial, Gender, and Ethnic Tensions)
• Gun Control (State and Federal)
• Environment
• U.S. Economy (Recession and Federal Deficit)
• U.S. Diplomatic Relations (Korea, China, Iran, Israel)
• Health Issues (Obama Care, U.S. & World Health Issues)

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92366797
  • Price:- $30

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