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Assignment: Money

• Activity Context

This assignment measures your development in the following course competencies:

• Apply critical thinking to business-related activities.

• Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

Your social media analysis project, composed of several assignments, provides the opportunity for you to apply what you learn throughout this course. In this assignment, choose the business that will be the focus of your analysis and use prewriting approaches to do some brainstorming about your project. Then write a coherent, two-page description of what you plan to explore and why, following the instructions below.

In Unit 2, you will identify resources to help you develop your analysis. In Unit 3, you will outline your approach to the project. In Unit 4, you will draft your analysis, and in Unit 6, you will complete your final analysis, both in a written document and in a PowerPoint presentation.

Activity Instructions

• Read the course project description to ensure that you understand what is required for your final project.

• If you have not already done so, review the pre-writing resources in the Capella Writing Center. Choose a pre-writing approach that makes sense to you as a good way to come up with some initial ideas for an analysis. You might want to pay particular attention to:

• Clustering.
• Idea trees.
• Free writing.

• Based on what you come up with in your pre-writing, create a one-page draft of your ideas for your project, which does at least the following:

• Identifies the specific business (for example, Barnes and Noble, Mike's Plumbing) that you will use for your analysis.

• Explains why you chose this business. For example, you might have chosen it because you are a customer and think they could do a better job using social media. Or perhaps you know the owners of this business. Maybe it is a business or industry that is of particular interest to you. The key idea is that, over the next five weeks, you will be working in some depth on this business. Picking a business that interests you will make the whole project more engaging for you and the results potentially more valuable.

• When you complete the first three items above, set aside another few minutes to think about how you used a particular pre-writing approach to generate this draft. Describe how you used the pre-writing approach, and reflect on how it might have helped your process.

When you have finished, submit your assignment directly to your instructor in the assignment area of the courseroom. Do not use Turnitin for this assignment.

Submission Requirements

o Length of paper: Write 2 typed, double-spaced pages including pre-writing, business description, and reflection.

o Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92382665
  • Price:- $60

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