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Assignment: Manage Discussion Entry

Part One-

1. What information should Ms. Valdera attempt to gather (about the students and the curriculum) before the class begins?

2. Who, if anyone, should Ms. Valdera try to speak with regarding these students and the upcoming class?

Part Two-

1. Based on the information in Table 2.1, what similarities and differences do you notice among the ten students?

2. To engage her students and tap into their interests, what types of activities should Ms. Valdera plan for the first day of class?

Part Three-

1. Given the varied learning styles of the 10 students in her class, what types of lessons can Ms. Valdera design in order to help the students be successful learners?

2. Given that the class is four hours long for a month, how can Ms. Valdera organize the desks, as well as the time structure the class, so the students' level of engagement and motivation stay high throughout each day, and over the month?


Shean, A. (2012). The Final Step: A Capstone in Education [Electronic version]

Honigsfeld, A & Cohan, A. (2015). Serving English language learners (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

LeFrançois, G. (2011). Psychology for teaching (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (11th ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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  • Reference No.:- M92360469
  • Price:- $30

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