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Assignment Instructions and Details:

Submit your answers to the discussion questions given below as Part 1 and Part 2 to this Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately whenever possible. You should follow the most recent APA guidelines when citing your work.

Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings and cite your sources using proper APA guidelines (including in-text citations and references).

Respond with meaningful feedback to two classmates before the end of the week. Your feedback should be constructive and add value to the discussion.

Just as the state of the healthcare industry and the concept of the patient have changed so have healthcare facilities. Physicians' offices aren't always offices anymore. Healthcare facilities can be mobile, virtual or traditional. This week we will look at how healthcare facilities have evolved.

Besides concierge medicine and retail clinics, identify two other contemporary healthcare facilities identified in the literature. Discuss how marketers could advertise the new facilities and the impact you think the new facilities will have on healthcare consumers and currently existing facilities in the market.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92360579
  • Price:- $20

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