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Assignment: Hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs)

Identify the challenges and impediments to implementing a quality improvement plan. In the analysis consider the individuals affected by the change as well as the cost of implementing the plans.

Post a description of some of the proposed action steps for implementing improved practice, and explain where potential challenges might compromise Prevention of hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs). Describe what resources are needed for your solution, and explain whether or not those resources are cost-effective.

Then review peer-reviewed literature.

o Synthesize the purpose, methods, and findings from at least five peer-reviewed, evidence-based practice articles that support HAPUs.

- Two main components of successful synthesis include evidence of the student's own ideas and a well-organized presentation of evidence.

o Include an explanation of the quality management measurement and data that were presented.

o Include a minimum of at least 5 peer-reviewed evidence-based practice articles that support your practice problem.

This means that you describe these studies individually, their findings and limitations as they apply to your subject matter. You can utilize other references in addition if you like. You need to cite 5 articles in detail with their methods, barriers and findings that support HAPUs.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92364279
  • Price:- $25

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