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Assignment: Global marketing and communication

Instructions on Assessment:

The individual assignment is based on the development of a marketing communications plan for the launch of a product/brand of your choice (ideally taken from any of the brands from your seminar group, including your own) in a country of your choice where the product/brand combination is not currently available i.e. it is possible that the brand may have a presence, but the particular chosen product is not available.

You will need to conduct academic research to address the following task.

You should assume the role of a Marketing Assistant when writing the report.

The report should outline your responses to the following tasks:

1. Identify the chosen product/brand and chosen country. Briefly justify your choice of country as a new market for your product/brand.

2. Prepare a summary analysis of the campaign context for the chosen global product/brand, including a description of potential customers, competitors, market trends and a review of previous Marketing Communications activities in other countries where the brand/product is currently available. This analysis will provide the foundation for the development of the launch communications plan (question3).

3. From the summary analysis you are required to develop part of the communications campaign for the launch of the product/brand. You must decide on your overall strategy - Global/glocal/local -and then your promotional objectives. Choosing only one promotional tool, how and why can you use this tool to reach your target customers and fulfill your objectives? Depending on the chosen promotional tool you may need to consider media, message, timing, reach and repetition etc. You do not need to undertake any actual design but you do need to use academic theory to support your ideas.

Word limit: 2000


1. You are expected to write concisely. Assume a word limit of 2,000 words (excluding appendices).

2. You are not required to conduct any primary research

3. You are expected to show a good level of reading and research.

4. This is an individual assignment and students are not to collude.

5. Assignments received after the submission time will be given a mark of zero as per University Policy

6. The Turnitin plagiarism detection facility will be made available on the module Blackboard site for students to use to check their work. Students are not required to submit a Turnitin report.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92038919

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