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Assignment: Global Business Relationships

Within the GLO-BUS simulation, you should complete the first-year decision, Year 6. This Year 6 decision will be graded. Go to the GLO-BUS Web site and review the Year 5 information on your company's operating results. You may wish to print a copy of the Year 5 company operations reports to easily review the information.

When complete your decision activity, write and short paper (approximately 1-2 double-spaced pages) analyzing previous and current decisions, and your anticipated results. Each team member must submit the same paper.

This paper is meant to be a rolling analysis assessment, which looks backward and forward in time. It is not expected you will have a full and complete picture of that week's results, prior to writing the paper. The intention for this assignment is for you to indicate:

•What strategy you will be implementing.

•What your most recent decisions are, and why.

•What your current view of the anticipated results is.

•Optionally, where you are going in the future.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92173428

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