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Assignment Topic 1:

Start by choosing a small to medium sized company that may or may not already be exporting. This company must be one that specialises in tangible products (not services) under its own brand name. Imagine that this company is interested in exporting one of its products (or a specific product line) to a new export market in the EU or NAFTA region. Your task is to act as this company's export consultant.


a. Discuss the export readiness of your chosen company. In your report, you must explain why this company is ready to commence exporting to a new foreign market.

b. Prepare a critical but brief analysis on the chosen foreign market. In your report, you must specify your market and evaluate its suitability as an export destination for your company/product (note: you must choose a market that is an EU or a NAFTA member, and it must be a new export market for your company).

c. Assess export planning guidelines and propose relevant strategies. You will need to:-

• Propose and explain in detail your export entry method and strategy

• Identify any logistics issues that the company will likely face with this product and explain how these will be managed

• Identify any regulatory requirements and potential challenges for export entry to the chosen market

• Propose an export implementation schedule

Assignment Topic 2:

Since the initial admission of full fee paying overseas students in the early-1980s, the Australian education exports sector has expanded significantly over the past three decades at an average estimated growth rate of 12% in per annum (Marginson, 2011). Education was Australia's largest services export and the fourth-largest overall export during the period of 2013-2014 (DFAT, 2014), with recent ABS data showing Australia's international education services export income hitting a record high of $17.6 billion in 2014 (Bracey, 2015). The export of education services is arguably unique and different in comparison with the export of tangible products and the export of services in other business sectors. Education exports utilise 'inward exporting', a procedure whereby the service provider (as the exporter) would engage in international activities without moving to a foreign market, requiring instead that foreign customers visit the exporter's home market.


a. Conduct an extensive review of the literature pertaining to Education Exports and Inward Exporting of Services.

b. Choose a market located in Asia. Analyse its potential as a target market for attracting prospective students.

c. Propose recommendations on how an Australian tertiary institution can attract students from this chosen market (note: for this assignment, you can use any Australian tertiary institution except QUT).

2000 words.

10 apa reference.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91790440
  • Price:- $90

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