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Assignment: Ethics and Security

Purpose of Assignment

Security in the work place is a major concern businesses must address to protect company data. In addition, to automated security, it is also the company's responsibility to implement policies and procedures for the handling of data by company personnel. Students will research risks and threats to digital data and develop security policies all company personnel must be trained on and be held accountable to protect company data.

Assignment Steps

• Internet search engine such as Google, Yahoo!, or Bing.
• MicrosoftWord 2016

• Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: Module 1: Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture

Note: This is a two-part assignment and students will submit two documents.

Part 1

Develop a 1,400-word summary describing the challenges businesses have in securing data in today's technological environment and what businesses should do to mitigate or minimize risks:

• Include risks and threats of company data.
• What policies/procedures should be implemented for the handling of data ensure data protection and business continuity?
• Include in text citations and references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Part 2

Develop a 175-word memo announcing the new security policies to all employees taking effect in one month following mandatory training. Search online for a Microsoft memo template.

Create an eye-catching memo that is clear and to the point concerning the new security policies. APA formatting is not required for this part of the assignment.

Use the following features of Microsoft Word in your memo:

• A Microsoft Word memo template.
• Either a bulleted or numbered list of the new security policies/procedures, and bold or changed font color so this list is highly visible.
• Highlight the effective date so it stands out.
• Insert an image that is relevant to the memo content. Images must also be cited and referenced.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92387262
  • Price:- $45

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